CLARIBOT - AI ChatBot in India and its Marketing Strategies
AI ChatBot in India Digital Marketing Strategies which makes use the Technology of AI Chatbot in India can be a key component in any company's marketing strategy in terms of guiding customers through a marketing sales funnel. The marketing funnel that would be programmed into the AI ChatBot would be defined in relation to the products and services being offered into the market place from the company in question. Implementation of the particular social media digital marketing strategy may well be devised by a full service digital marketing agency. Strategies: When it comes to effective digital marketing strategy development and subsequent execution that requires: 1.Marketing research 2.Strategy formulation, 3.Content planning, 4.Linking strategy and the 5.Publication of the content in question. In addition to the above, careful posting on relevant content portals and blogs in necessary in order to expand the digital marketing footprint of the company