The Offshore Software Development Company in India - Claritaz TechLabs

The offshore software development company is in the forefront of the new wave of solutions that address these issues, which are most acutely felt in the West. Professional research groups, such as Gartner, point to offshore software development in India as a hub of growth for offshore Software Development Company in India, and product development companies. Other centers include Ireland, UK and USA, and India.

Software Development Company in India

The offshore software development company is in the forefront of the new wave of solutions that address these issues, which are most acutely felt in the West. Professional research groups, such as Gartner, point to offshore software development in India as a hub of growth for offshore software companies, and product development companies. Other centers include Ireland, UK, USA and India.

The need for an offshore Software Development Company in India is felt primarily by Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), Software As A Service (SAAS) enterprises, Software Enabled Companies, and non IT companies. ISVs are either entrepreneurs or established companies, whose business is to spot a market opportunity for software, and develop and market the software. SAAS enterprises are companies such as, whose software provides muscle to sales teams around the world. Software enabled companies are those whose business is enabled by, especially web based software, such as travel and hospitality portals. And, there are non IT companies whose offerings include some form of customized software as a value added service for their customers.

Present estimates place the market opportunity for offshore software development companies at  growing level.

The services that are provided by a typical product development company in India include, but are not limited to:

• New Product Development
• Product Enhancement, Patches
• Product Migration, Extensibility
• Sustenance
• Product integration
• Testing and QA of products
• Maintenance of existing products

This article is contributed by Claritaz TechLabs, headquartered at a state-of-art offshore development center in a Tier I offshoring city, Chennai. Every day, some of the world's most hardworking organizations rely on our software and engineering skills to serve their customers safely, securely and reliably. With offices in the US, UK and Ireland, Claritaz provides services for end-to-end development of commercial grade software products and applications to start ups, emerging and established technology companies and IT enabled organizations. Our work has been endorsed by leading industry.

Claritaz TechLabs is a Leading offshore Software Development Company in India, and our services including outsourcing, Presently writing on Software services, Offshore Software Development Company, Product Development Company and other Software testing services.

Source: EzineArticles


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